Le Wine Up Club business card

Le Wine Up Club Event Management Business Card

Marie Marie Studio designed these business cards for Le Wine Up Club, an event management company based in Paris.

Le Wine Up Club approached Marie Marie Studio for the branding project, including designing the company’s logo and visual identity.

“Le Wine Up Club organizes wine tasting events for companies and private person. They bringing fun and culture together with wine, focusing on making the tasting sessions more fun and casual,” said Marie Stadelmann, the Founder of Marie Marie studio.

Le Wine Up Club logo
When asked about the design process, she continued, “For this project, I was really lucky to have complete freedom. I wanted to create a visual atmosphere that looks festive and fresh.”

The business cards are simple, clean and casual – just as how the brand would like to be presented – to break away from the classical tasting which is more serious and in an elegant setting.

These business cards were offset printed by Pinguin Druck in Berlin, Germany. According to Marie, “I’ve chosen uncoated paper for the cards as it has a nice paper feel, instead of something of a coated paper that feels too cold.”

Le Wine Up Club business cardLe Wine Up Club

Designed by Marie Marie Studio

Printed by Pinguin Druck

For Le Wine Up Club

Jennifer Wong
Jennifer Wong
Articles: 1516

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