Isabelle Sleinis business card

Isabelle Sleinis Personal Branding Business Card

Georgia Treloar designed these business cards for Isabelle Sleinis, she is a Breathwork facilitator that offers workshops in applying conscious and connected breathing for the purpose of physical and emotional healing.

“Before designing the logo, I had a deep discussion with Isabelle about her practice and asked her:

“What do you believe Breathework can offer people?”

“She spoke a lot about how the practice creates a gateway to one’s soul and the universe. I wanted to visualize this ‘gateway’ that exists within us that leads us on a greater divine journey,” Georgia explained when asked the inspiration behind the logo design.

Isabelle Sleinis Logo animation
“The pose of the woman represents the physical space that you hold in the workshop, and the archway represents the inner journey that one takes during the session.”

“The colour palette is centred around femininity and earthly beauty. I used the fonts Abril Fatface Regular (Isabelle Sleinis) and Poppins Light (Breathwork) for the project’s typography.”

These business cards are not printed yet but if they were, “My expectations for the printing would be to use a warm and textured paper so that the printed design remains very earthly, human and welcoming,” Georgia suggested.

Isabelle Sleinis business cardIsabelle Sleinis logoIsabelle-SleinisIsabelle Sleinis cardsIsabelle Sleinis logo

Designed by Georgia Treloar

For Isabelle Sleinis (Breathwork)

Jennifer Wong
Jennifer Wong
Articles: 1516

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