Funktional Play business card

Funktional Play Child-life Care Service Business Card

Wells Collins Design created these business cards for Funktional Play, a mobile child-life care service that works with children and families in medical offices, funeral homes, hospice programs, schools and use play therapy and medical play to reduce the stress and anxiety associated with these settings.

“Functional Play will make a difference in the life of a child. Whether it is listening to them talk about a sibling that has died, or helping a child understand the procedure they are about to have, they are making a positive impact,” Wells explained.

Funk-Play logoFunktional Play businesscard back

“We designed a playful and imaginative brand identity for Funktional Play: a mobile child-life care service that works with children and families in medical settings to reduce anxiety and stress. Three dimensional building blocks were created as a modular foundation for icons and brand patterns.”

“The primary brand font is Faro Display Lucky, and the colour palette is meant to give the brand a nostalgic bedtime story feel. It was crucial for the visual identity to walk the line of playful and trustworthy.”

These business cards were printed via MOO’s Super Business Cards option. According to Wells, the cards needed to be printed on a medium weight card with high quality digital printing to allow the bright colours to print accurately. The cards also have a soft touch finish for a more approachable feel.

Funktional Play business cardsfunk-play-7 Funktional Play postcardFunktional Play illustrationFunktional Play branding

Designed by Wells Collins Design

Printed by MOO

For Funktional Play

Jennifer Wong
Jennifer Wong
Articles: 1516

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