Face of Nature business card1

Face of Nature Wellness Business Card

Jane McGrath designed these business cards for Face of Nature, a seasonal wellness brand that offers treatments using organic botanical products for health and skin.

The owner of the business is Amy Bateman. Jane created a custom pattern design based on Amy’s brand values and target client, including colour palette and business cards. The logo/illustration was created by Alex Jones.

Face of Nature colour palette
“Amy came to me wanting a business card design and some extra elements to add to her branding. I designed a colour palette and custom patterns that appealed to the spiritual, natural and earthy audience,” Jane said.

Face of Nature_pattern
These business cards are not yet printed but if they were, here’s what Jane envisioned, “I see these on a slightly textured uncoated stock to reflect the natural aspect of the brand.”

Face of Nature business card1

Designed by Jane McGrath

For Face of Nature (Amy Bateman)

Jennifer Wong
Jennifer Wong
Articles: 1516

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